Apparently this teacher had no clue what Christmas is really about.

She gave the assignment to 1st graders to “find something at home that represents a family Christmas tradition and share it with the class.” Maybe she should have been a little more specific and asked for “non-Christian Christmas traditions” only.

If Christmas is a religious holiday to your family, you’re probably going to mention those religious traditions in a presentation about your family’s “Christmas tradition.”

What the teacher did in response to this student was completely over the top and potentially damaging to that 6 year old. She was told to stop in the middle of her presentation and sit down. She wasn’t allowed to finish. No other children were treated that way.

The principal said she was stopped because they didn’t “want to offend other students.” If my children had been in her class, they would have been offended by the way the teacher treated her! Does that offense count?

Schools are prohibited from expressing disapproval or hostility toward students’ expressions of religious viewpoints. Uh… I’m thinking that was a bit hostile. Anyone else?

You can read more about it here.
Photo Credit Advocates for Faith & Freedom

Picture of Tammy Messina

Tammy Messina

Christ following, wife, mother, grandmother, and small business owner with passions for holistic wellness, gardening, raising critters, and preserving our Constitutional liberties especially free speech, religious freedom, and the 2nd Amendment. God gave me the most wonderful husband, who I love dearly and am grateful to have the opportunity to work with every day as his Producer in this Real Side venture. When you see my posts, they are truly mine. So please don't hold him accountable for what I write. Contrary to what some say, I'm not a Stepford wife. I have my own opinions and am willing to share some of them here.

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