Did you know… more sexual promiscuity leads to less sexual assault?

Well, at least that’s what the folks who are in charge of Sex Week over at University of Tennessee  are saying. I’m not buying it.

Talking about, watching, and participating in sexual activities increases sex drive. How, exactly, does that reduce sexual assault?

Looks like the officials at UT may agree with me. They cut funding nearly in half from $11k to $6.7k. But that’s still a lot of taxpayer money to encourage students to explore their sexuality at college. I mean, hello??!!! As if you could stop them from doing that anyway…

You can read more about it here.

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Picture of Tammy Messina

Tammy Messina

Christ following, wife, mother, grandmother, and small business owner with passions for holistic wellness, gardening, raising critters, and preserving our Constitutional liberties especially free speech, religious freedom, and the 2nd Amendment. God gave me the most wonderful husband, who I love dearly and am grateful to have the opportunity to work with every day as his Producer in this Real Side venture. When you see my posts, they are truly mine. So please don't hold him accountable for what I write. Contrary to what some say, I'm not a Stepford wife. I have my own opinions and am willing to share some of them here.

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