Bloomberg said, “This [gun control] is not a battle of dollars, this is a battle for the hearts and minds of America so that we can protect our children, protect innocent people.”
He states this as government sanctions murder in the womb and Hollywood promotes gun violence. Government’s legitimate purpose, friends, is to “restrain men from sin,” or to restrain men from breaking God’s moral Law (1 John 3:4), not to encourage and educate them how to commit crime.
Bloomberg goes on: “We’re the only civilized country in the world that has this problem.”
He also argued that he was not pushing for gun control, but rather keeping guns away from minors, criminals and the mentally ill. Keep in mind that criminals will always have guns, and he is equating the mentally ill to whoever this government feels is inadequate to bear arms: namely, veterans, patriots and anyone who disagrees with this administration’s ideologies.
“It isn’t gun control,” said Bloomberg.
Friends, I ask, who does this guy think he is kidding?
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article by Bradlee Dean here courtesy of Liberty Alliance.