Some conservatives have been saying this is bound to happen once we step outside of the God-defined marriage boundaries. And in some European countries they’re already having this debate.
Recently a story was posted about a San Francisco man marrying his dog, LEGALLY, because supposedly the state of California will allow it. Most people just shrug it off and say, “well, it is California, those people do anything.”
Digging a little deeper, it just doesn’t seem real and doesn’t seem possible. I’m not the only one who thinks so. Ken Adachi, Editor at took it further than I did, and I’m even more convinced.
Suffice it to say, I wasn’t able to find any such legal reference in California’s law books (with my limited access and understanding) to allow this to happen. And seriously, what kind of “man of the cloth” would violate his own scripture by marrying a person to an animal? And lastly… here in the good ol’ US of A, consent to marry happens on BOTH sides. How did that dog consent? And where’s PETA and the SPCA when you need them?
You can read the original story here.
Photo credit via Flickr Kylie Cagle