Editors Note: The following is reprinted from DeneenBorelli.com courtesy Liberty Alliance. With energy independence being a critical national security issue, why isn't Hillary willing to tell the American people what her stance is on the Keystone XL pipeline? It always comes back to money... campaign money.
While visiting Canada as part of her book tour, Hillary Clinton was asked if the U.S. should allow the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
She promptly answered, “I can’t respond.”
The proposed pipeline could carry about 830,000 barrels of oil from Canada to refineries in the Midwest and Gulf Coast.
A story in Politico provided the political context to her response:
Speaking more broadly about the pipeline issue, Clinton said, “This particular decision is a very difficult one because there are so many factors at play.
“I can’t really comment at great length because I had responsibility for it and it’s been passed on and it wouldn’t be appropriate, but I hope that Canadians appreciate that the United States government — the Obama administration — is trying to get it right,” she continued. “And getting it right doesn’t mean you will agree or disagree with the decision but that it will be one based on the best available evidence and all of the complex local, state, federal, interlocking laws and concerns.”
The real reason she waffled and refused to answer is Clinton fears a backlash from taking a position. If she supported the construction of the pipeline she would be on the receiving end of rabid criticism from the radical environmental left, including billionaire Tom Steyer.
Steyer has promised to spend $100 million to… (read the rest of the story here.)
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