Taking anti-gun liberals to the gun range

Buzzfeed took 5 very vocal anti-gun liberals to the local gun range to actually shoot a gun for the first time. I gotta give them credit. At least they were willing to GO to the gun range! Some anti-gun folks would not have taken the challenge. Many won’t even touch a gun.

But these people were open-minded enough to give it a try, even though they were vehemently opposed to guns and strongly advocating for stricter gun control laws. And judging from the looks on some of their faces, they were surprised at the outcome, though most did not back down off their stance of wanting stricter controls.

Do you think they’ve given any thought as to how they’ll feel about gun control when the only ones left with guns are the criminals who are still obtaining them illegally? How do you suppose they plan on defending themselves then? Maybe they should try living in Chicago for a few years to see how it feels.

Photo credit via BuzzFeed YouTube Channel

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