Politics vs. Passion — Politics (And the Scorned Ex-Wife) Always Wins

Former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford made the headlines in 2009 when he disappeared abruptly from public view for several days. His press people explained his sudden absence by saying he was “hiking the Appalachian Trail”, when in truth, he was trysting with his mistress down South America way — Argentina, to be exact.  Jenny Sanford, the mother of his four sons  (who were all minors at the time) divorced him the following year.

Sanford subsequently became engaged to Maria Belen Chapur, but has been dragging his feet regarding tying the knot for several years.  The former Mrs. Sanford seems to be using Blake, the still-a-minor youngest Sanford child, as a weapon to bludgeon her ex-husband into breaking off with the woman for whom he left her.  Sanford is mainly focused on furthering his re-emergent political career.  Ms. Chapur has been hanging on for dear life, hoping for a career as the wife of an American politician, but that dream died recently when Sanford broke off the engagement.

Mix all these elements together and what do you have?  Two manipulative narcissists bent on winning their divorce war and a pathetic paramour hoping against hope for a happy ending.The saddest thing and the real losers in this mess?  The children. There seems to be no thought on the part of both Sanfords as to how this is affecting their four sons, who have seen their family break apart in the most ugly and public way. Jenny Sanford claims she is looking out for Blake’s welfare, but it seems that she is more interested in exacting revenge on her ex-husband.  Mark Sanford is focused solely on furthering his political career, so much so that he has discarded the woman whom he once called his “soul mate” because she is now a liability.  Neither one of them is really concerned about the welfare of their children.  And left out in the cold?  Ms. Chapur, who thought a man who would desert his family for her was actually worth waiting for.

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Photo credit John C. Bullas

Picture of Sara Anne Fox

Sara Anne Fox

I am a former brain-dead liberal (Massachusetts-born Democrat) who had my epiphany right after 9/11. Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech was the nail in the coffin of my dependence on my feeeelings for forming my political beliefs. Big reality check... A former feature film development executive, I consult privately with writing clients of all stripes, passionately advocating for the material, and do some writing of my own. I also function as a "professional expert" in story development and screenwriting in the Southern California community college system. I am a firm believer in low taxes, strong defense, American exceptionalism and the glorious, marked differences between men and women. While I fear for the future of our country, I am determined to do what I can to combat the Kool-Aid drinking forces of ignorance and mental and intellectual sloth that have twice put a Marxist fraud in office. Widowed in 1997, I am the mother of two elderly sons whom I graciously allowed to survive the teenage years and am happily ensconced in the very liberal enclave of Silver Lake in Los Angeles. While I am able to live well amidst the kumbayas, I often ponder the possibility that my second husband will have a place in conservative, Pasadena-adjacent San Marino. #hopespringseternal

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