Bradlee Dean: No child left unindoctrinated

Yes, we’re all busy. It’s hard to keep up with all the little details of what your child is learning in school. Especially all the way through high school! Not to worry. You can trust the government to educate your child on the important things, right? Maybe not. See what Bradlee Dean has uncovered going on in our education system which he calls “No Child Left Unindoctrinate.” I’m sure some, if not all, of it will surprise you. It’s worth the 8 minute investment of your time.

Bradlee Dean is a nationally syndicated radio host, founder, and CEO of The Sons of Liberty a non-profit organization that specializes in reaching America’s next generation through principles of morality, true freedom, and personal responsibility. He is also a weekly columnist for WorldNet Daily, Western Journalism, and other conservative media outlets.

Photo credit Bradlee Dean video still

Picture of Tammy Messina

Tammy Messina

Christ following, wife, mother, grandmother, and small business owner with passions for holistic wellness, gardening, raising critters, and preserving our Constitutional liberties especially free speech, religious freedom, and the 2nd Amendment. God gave me the most wonderful husband, who I love dearly and am grateful to have the opportunity to work with every day as his Producer in this Real Side venture. When you see my posts, they are truly mine. So please don't hold him accountable for what I write. Contrary to what some say, I'm not a Stepford wife. I have my own opinions and am willing to share some of them here.

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