Liberals say you can’t have brains and beauty

Let me see if I got this straight…

If you have brains AND beauty I shouldn’t hire you… because it might make less attractive people feel inadequate? Did I get that right?

Or is it just that… if you’re beautiful I shouldn’t hire you because it’s not fair that you’re the most qualified for the job AND just happen to be beautiful… so I’m going to punish you by not hiring you. That doesn’t even make any sense! But that’s basically what this writer is saying about the women Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker hired:

“What does it say to the young girls of Wisconsin who hope to do important work when they grow up, regardless of their looks?” … “In my opinion Walker’s approach sets women back 50 years, to the pre-feminist Mad Men era.”

If you really mean “regardless of their looks” then why are you criticizing his hiring of beautiful women? Who are you to say they weren’t the most qualified applicant?

The people who set women back 50 years are the ones who are make stupid statements that imply women can’t be both beautiful and intelligent!

You can read the full story here.

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Picture of Joe Messina

Joe Messina

All is fair in Radio! Politics, religion, prejudice, illegal immigration, legal immigration. Don't miss the "You're Not Serious" segment. We will be dealing with some of the most asinine items from the week's news. REAL and RAW!! You don't want to miss this show! The Real Side with Joe Messina. EVERY DAY - Check for stations and times.

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