Well its only fair… If the Dems want to investigate investigate and investigate (all of a sudden) Then I say lets do it and use their guidelines.

That is if ANYONE makes an accusation, INVESTIGATE

Breaking: GOP Slams Buddies Comey And Lynch With New Plan

This could be what conservatives have been waiting for.

From the time President Donald Trump finished speaking the Oath of Office, the headlines have been announcing allegations about a crime of “Russian collusion” that hasn’t even been established yet.

But if House Republicans get their way, the investigative power of the government might be turned toward events that actually happened – and determining just how badly American laws might actually have been broken — under the Barack Obama White House.

According to Breitbart, House Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Matt Gaetz of Florida are launching a probe into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s relationship with the FBI during its investigation of the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

In particular, the congressmen want to know more about former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony that Lynch had directed him to soft-pedal the probe by referring to it publicly as a “matter” rather than a “criminal investigation,” Breitbart reported.

The three have drafted a measure, according to Breitbart, that would “compel the production of documents and evidence” related to Lynch’s direction.

According to Breitbart, among other things, the measure would also compel testimony and documents about:

Comey’s leaks of memos about his conversations with Trump; discussions about immunity with Hillary Clinton confidants caught up in the email scandal; Comey’s decision last July to recommend that Clinton not be charged in the case; Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton last June at an airport in Phoenix; as well as any potential collusion between Comey and former FBI Director Robert Mueller, who is now the special counsel investigating the Trump campaign’s connections to Russia.

The whole ball of wax, in other words, when it comes to the non-stop assault on the Trump administration since before it even began. As welcome as it is for America, it could be very bad news for Comey, Lynch and other insiders from the Obama era — there could well be panic running through the swamp of D.C. when this starts getting traction.

Read the rest at: INVESTIGATE

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