On Saturday, the anti-Semitic and racist Rev. Louis Farrakhan tweeted a snippet of his speech from the Saviour’s Day speech he gave in mid-February, and the snippet showed his willingness to attack Jews and the history of Jesus Christ’s death in one fell swoop.
Speaking at the event, Farrakhan stated his version of the death of Jesus, starting by quoting the New Testament: “God so loved his people that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believed in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Farrakan gave his version of events:
God does not love this world. God never sent Jesus to die for this world. Jesus died because he was 2,000 years too soon to bring about the end of the civilization of the Jews. He never was on no cross. There was no Calvary for that Jesus.
Early one Saturday morning our savior taught us, when he found out he was 2,000 years too soon to end the civilization of the Jews, He decided that he would give his life for the truth that he taught, that His name would live, until the one that he prefigured came into existence. And that’s why the Koran says Jesus and his mother Mary were a sign.
Jesus didn’t die on Calvary; he died in front of an old Jew’s store that was boarded up, and the Roman soldiers came to get him.
According to the FinalCall site on Facebook, Farrakhan continued, eventually claiming that he represents the Messiah and he is Jesus:
Jesus was out there after he had the largest crowd that he had in all of his 20-something years of teaching in Jerusalem and in Palestine. He had 35 people. The Roman soldiers came and when they saw him the soldiers, two of them, they ran toward him. He never moved; he came out on the street to die. That’s my Jesus the prophet. And when they put their hands on him they started arguing because there was a price on his head $1,500 if you bring him in alive $2,500 if you bring him in dead. …
Read the rest at: Its only Jesus