6 more killed in Chicago this weekend! Where’s Sharpton?

At least 34 people were shot — six of them fatally — over the weekend in gun violence across Chicago, including a 17-year-old girl who was killed Sunday in Back of the Yards on the South Side.

She was walking about 9:30 p.m. in the 900 block of West 52nd Street, when a man emerged from an alley and the two of them got into “a verbal altercation,” Chicago police said. The man then pulled out a handgun and shot her three times in the head and multiple times in the upper body.

The teen was pronounced dead at the University of Chicago Medical Center, police said.

The weekend’s latest fatal shooting happened Monday in South Shore.

A 32-year-old man was driving about 3:10 a.m. in the 7500 block of South Coles Avenue when someone unleashed gunfire, police said. The man was struck in the head and crashed into a parked car.

He was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center where he was pronounced dead, police said. The Cook County medical examiner’s office hasn’t released details about his death.

On Sunday, a man was shot to death in Austin on the West Side.

Officers responded to a ShotSpotter alert about 11:15 p.m. in the 900 block of North Long Avenue and found the 49-year-old unresponsive, police said. He was found with multiple gunshot wounds to the head and one to the back.

Read the rest at: Shootings

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