Christian Beliefs make great fast food!

The 37-year-old billionaire and In-N-Out owner Lynsi Snyder joins Chick-Fil-A in upholding Christian values in corporations.

The company president who owns the $3 billion empire supports the Christian morale that Chick-Fil-A upholds and is doing the same. After suffering one tragedy after another, with her father dying when she was a teenager and three failed marriages, Snyder finally found her calling through Christ our Lord.

She now proclaims how Christ changed her life. She vowed to surrender her life to Him and now dedicates her life to glorify Him.

Snyder does have a past filled with drugs and alcohol but she is now turning things around. The company’s soda cup actually has Bible verses printed on it. From John 3:16 to unfamiliar verses such as Proverbs 24:16   and Luke 6:35. This was the idea of her Uncle Rich and the line now includes fry boat, coffee, and hot cocoa cups.

Snyder also launched the ministry Army of Love, an idea of a “vision borne in a painful time in my life.” She is now determined to share the word and support other people in their battles, hoping that they find peace in offering their lives to the Lord.
In her analogy, Snyder said

“Picture our lives being a power strip. We plug so many things into the power strip- work, family, hobbies, and God. But that is all wrong. God must be the power strip and everything in our life should be plugged into Him as our power source. He gives us life then we have His power in everything we do.” 

Snyder now found her calling and is helping others to do the same.

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