Dems Like Sexual predictor!

Virginia lawmaker once jailed for having sex with his underage secretary won election to the state Senate Tuesday.

Democrat Joe Morrissey easily defeated Independent Waylin Ross by winning more than 64 percent of the vote to represent the 16th Senate District, a seat long held by Democrats.

Morrissey, a former state legislator, spent six months in jail in 2015 after pleading guilty to misdemeanor delinquency of a minor after a sex scandal involving his then-17-year-old secretary, whom he later married.

The couple has three children, WJLA-TV reported.

Morrissey continued serving in the state legislature while he was jailed. He made an unsuccessful bid for the mayoralty of Richmond in 2016 and had his law license revoked last year, according to the station.

Democrats picked up a net of two state Senate seats and a net of six seats in the House of Delegates Tuesday, taking control of both chambers of Virginia’s legislature for the first time in more than two decades.

Read the rest at: DemSex


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