Happy New Year 2021? MAYBE!

Happy New Year, and be safe!

2020 may not have been so bad!
It exposed or brought to a head how deceitful the Democrat party really is. We have seen now that they are willing to throw America, freedom and more under the bus to retain power!

The will of the people doesn’t matter to them

2020 brought to a head the deep state and the power hungry occupants of DC.

Trump scared the crap out of the!
Now we are seeing those that want real transparency and have seen whats been stolen from them and are willing to fight back.

2021 Trump has energized us, remade the Republican party and brought a new energy and resurgence of blacks, Hispanic, women, LGBT and more to the party.

No matter what happens we can and will keep fighting to make sure that momentum keeps moving forward.

President Trump has accomplished!

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The Real Side

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