Chaplain fired for preaching that students can disagree with LGBT dogma

A British boarding school secretly reported its Christian chaplain to the government’s anti-terrorism watchdog for a sermon defending students’ rights to question new LGBT policies.

The Rev. Dr. Bernard Randall, who is ordained in the Church of England, was fired for a 2018 sermon he gave at Trent College, a boarding school in England with children ages 11-17.

“When I gave that sermon, I never thought anything like this could happen,” Randall told the “Todd Starnes Radio Show” Monday.

After the school introduced pro-LGBT ideological identity politics, the chaplain told the students if they wanted to accept that it’s “absolutely fine” but for Christians “you do not have to accept” it. He told them to love their neighbor but they don’t have to abandon the truth of marriage or biology, reminding them religious belief is protected under law.

“Management dragged me into a meeting the following Monday and interrogated me about this. ‘Why had I done this?’ And then I was suspended and then I was sacked for gross misconduct,” he told host Todd Starnes.

The school, which has a “protestant and evangelical” affiliation with the Church of England, reportedly claimed the sermon was “harmful to LGBT” students and flagged him to Prevent, an anti-terror group that identifies potentially violent religious extremists.

Randall was also reported as a “danger to children,” which is the same as reporting concerns over pedophilia.

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