WH says what Israel is doing wont bring peace

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that plans to evict dozens of Palestinians from an east Jerusalem neighborhood work “against” U.S.-Israeli interests in finding a solution to the conflict and condemned “extremism that has inflicted violence on both communities.”

Psaki reiterated the administration’s support for a two-state solution.

Biden’s “team is communicating a clear and consistent message in support of de-escalation,” Psaki told reporters. “That is our primary focus. The president’s support for Israel’s security, for it’s legitimate right to defend itself and its people is fundamental and will never waver.”

She condemned rocket attacks against Israel by Hamas and other terrorist groups but highlighted the rights of Palestinians as well as Israelis.

“We believe Palestinians and Israelis deserve equal measures of freedom, security, dignity and prosperity,” she continued. “And U.S. officials in recent weeks have spoken candidly with Israeli officials about how evictions of Palestinian families who have lived for years, sometimes decades in their homes and of demolitions of these homes work against our common interests in achieving a solution to the conflict in the coming days, as Muslims gather with family and friends to celebrate Eid and Dawn together to mark the beginning of Shabbat, let us affirm that all people of faith deserve to enjoy these important celebrations without fear of violence.”

Read the rest at: foxnews.com

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