A group promoting “painfully honest conversations between white women and BIWOC (Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color)” claimed Thursday that white women’s “obsession” with “being nice” is a “tool of white supremacy.”
“White women’s obsession with ‘being nice’ is one of the most dangerous tools of white supremacy,” Race2Dinner posted on their Twitter account on Thursday.
As reported by The Daily Wire in May, Race2Dinner leaders Regina Jackson and Saira Rao created the organization to offer white women an opportunity to “smash” their “white fragility” by hiring women of color to attend dinner with as they’re guilt-tripped for all the alleged suffering they have caused them by virtue of being white.
The “mission” of the group is to “reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and UNLEASH YOUR POWER as white women to dismantle it.”
“[W]hite women: We are talking about your complicity in upholding white supremacy and keeping us Brown and Black women down,” the Race2Dinner website details. “Our goal is to reveal white privilege, power, control and your complicity in all of the above. You are an integral part of this system. Please use this power to dismantle the hate rather than to uphold it.”
Jackson and Roa have the following note to white women published on their website:
Dear white women:
You cause immeasurable pain and damage to Black, Indigenous and brown women. We are here to sit down with you to candidly explain how *exactly* you cause this pain and damage.
The dinners are a starting point. A place to start thinking through how you actively uphold white supremacy every minute of every day.
What you do after you leave the dinner is up to you.
Regina Jackson & Saira Rao
“If you don’t own it, you can’t change it. And change doesn’t come without pain,” Jackson explains.
Rao, one of the founders of Race2Dinner and a former Democratic congressional candidate, “blamed white people for making her life ‘miserable,’ and said that she can’t stand the sight of the American flag,” The Daily Caller reported this summer.
Read the rest at: White Supremacy