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T-Mobil admits to squelching texts

AI is being used by major tech companies to censor and control what you can see, read, and discuss online. Similar to what human editors are doing on Facebook, Twitter ETC, radicals who have been empowered to block or tag information they subjectively don’t like, are increasingly stopping the flow of information through the Internet.

And T-Mobile has joined other big tech companies by censoring what content they will allow to be included in texts. Links appear to be sent to a family member or friend but the recipient will not receive any texts containing censored links. Those to who the texts were sent don’t know the links were removed.

T-Mobile just admitted that they get more control over text messages by admitting in a Letter to Missouri Attorney General. The T-Mobile network actively stripping out all Gateway Pundit (TGP) news links from Private Text messages, just like Soviet Russia.

Story continues at: Texts being Blocked

Picture of Joe Messina

Joe Messina

All is fair in Radio! Politics, religion, prejudice, illegal immigration, legal immigration. Don't miss the "You're Not Serious" segment. We will be dealing with some of the most asinine items from the week's news. REAL and RAW!! You don't want to miss this show! The Real Side with Joe Messina. EVERY DAY - Check for stations and times.

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