Hollywood Riot Erupts, Unruly Crowds Fight, Assault Officers, and Burn Cars

Los Angeles, California – Skateboarders in the city recently caused a disturbance during the Second Annual Skate Jam in Hollywood. Hosted by F***ing Awesome World Entertainment and Adidas Skateboarding, the event began at 4:30 p.m. local time on the 1600 block of Cherokee Avenue.

Reports indicate that violence broke out after three hours, with skaters allegedly performing stunts over an old LAPD cop car. Police are now investigating the incident.

NBC 4 News LA reports that hundreds of people were in attendance at the event. It is unclear how many individuals may have committed any criminal acts.

The video footage shows a number of attendees engaging in activities such as setting trash cans on fire, throwing bottles, and lighting fireworks, as well as vandalizing an LA Fire Department vehicle with graffiti.

Additionally, the footage captures participants jumping on the police car while fires spread.


Attendees jumped on the vehicle in celebration

Attendees jumped on the vehicle in celebration

The event became unruly as people started to light fires

The event became unruly as people started to light fires

As the fires grew, crowds continued to grow violent in clouds of smoke, as one person revved a motorcycle on one of the skating ramps against the cop car

The LA Times reported that a large crowd of people had gathered around the burning car, a few of whom were skating up the ramp towards the flames.

Motorcycle riders also performed stunts while onlookers took pictures. Eventually, the car was completely destroyed with its windows smashed in.

When officers arrived on the scene Sunday night to disperse the crowd, they were met with rocks and bottles, according to KTLA.

Fortunately, police were able to restore order and detain a few individuals involved. NBC 4 News LA also reported that there were fights among attendees during the disturbance.

It is yet unknown what triggered this riot.

Three people have been charged with vandalism following their detainment, per KTLA.

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Picture of Joe Messina

Joe Messina

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