Joe Biden Slurs Words, Struggles With Speech To LGBTQ Advocacy Group

On Saturday, Joe and Dr. Jill Biden addressed the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBTQ+ advocacy organization in the United States.

During his speech, Joe Biden began to raise his voice for some reason, as he added a few new features to his delivery such as mumbling, slurring and garbling his words simultaneously.

This was unexpected yet interesting to witness.

Despite rising inflation and gas prices, poor foreign policy and open borders, Democrats are still running Joe Biden for president despite these issues.

It is important to watch him in action in order to understand what is going on.

The LGBTQ+ community had no idea of the surprise they were receiving tonight from Joe Biden when he started speaking.

What on Earth is wrong with this guy?


ICYMI: Joe Biden Shouts, Then His Brain Freezes During Roundtable with Jewish Leaders 

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Joe Messina

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