96 Percent of Pharmacy Technicians Report Drug Shortages, Half of Patients Never Get the Medicine They Need

As Americans make their way to the pharmacy, they are being met with a serious gamble. Reports from the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board indicate that nearly 96 percent of pharmacies across America are facing shortages of critical medications.

This includes treatments for cancer, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anesthesia, diabetes, and even some weight loss drugs like Mounjaro, Ozempic, and Wegovy.

It is clear that these shortages have become a major issue nationwide.

“Drug shortages are affecting many areas of pharmacy practice, such as retail, compounding and hospitals,” Anthony Longo, a doctor of pharmacy and director of pharmacy at Northwell Long Island Jewish Forest Hills in Queens, NY, told The Epoch Times.

The current crisis has made it abundantly clear that swift and decisive action must be taken to guarantee an adequate supply of essential medications.

The consequences of drug shortages, particularly for cancer medications, can be disastrous for patients. Not being able to acquire the necessary drugs can cause them to seek alternative treatments which can prove to be more expensive and dangerous.

In fact, 90 percent of technicians surveyed said they give substitute drugs when available; however, in 45 percent of cases, patients still do not receive their needed medication.

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“It’s no surprise that pharmacy technicians are actively working on solutions to mitigate drug shortages for their patients,” PTCB CEO William Schimmel said in a statement. “I’m impressed by the spirit of collaboration, even outside of the pharmacy where they work.”

The findings of a survey conducted by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP) in the summer have been echoed by a pharmacy technician survey.

According to Michael Ganio, who holds a doctor of pharmacy degree and is ASHP’s senior director of pharmacy practice and quality, these drug shortages have an immense impact on both patients and healthcare staff.

He went on to point out that such shortages also add strain to an already depleted staff number for technicians; something he describes as “an unsustainable reality for the entire healthcare system”.

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) released survey results on the current drug shortage crisis. Conducted from June 23 to July 14, the online survey gathered responses from 1,123 participants.

The ASHP reported that as of the end of Q2 2023 there were over 300 active shortages—which is close to an all-time high and “the highest in nearly a decade.”

Nearly all respondents confirmed experiencing shortages in July according to the survey results, which paints a concerning picture for our medical system’s future.

The results of a survey revealed that 32 percent of participants deemed rationing, delaying, or canceling treatments or procedures as “critically impactful.” Of this group, an alarming 60 percent reported chemotherapy drug shortages to be the most detrimental.

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) has identified quality control, supply chain disruptions, and extreme price competition as key drivers behind the current generic drug shortages.

As profit margins for generics have become increasingly slim due to competitive pressures, manufacturers have been disincentivized from investing in the production of these drugs. Some companies are even choosing to shift capacity away from generics altogether.

This has created a crisis that must be addressed through policy solutions.

“This issue requires quick action from Congress to address the underlying causes of shortages and ensure patients have the medications they need,” ASHP Chief Executive Officer Paul W. Abramowitz, said in a statement.

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Joe Messina

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