CORRECTION – The Pledge is a Political Weapon!

So says two HAMPDEN Maine Council Members. I had to read it twice myself. They refuse to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance because they believe it’s being used as a political weapon. How, you ask? They won’t answer that question.

That’s right. As some do, they simply make a statement to justify their crazy, ludicrous actions, even when they have nothing to stand on, and expect you to believe what they’re saying. They actually think they are making a statement, but can’t tell you what “statement” it is. Looks like we’ll just have to guess since they won’t respond.

I grew up in Massachusetts and visited Maine frequently. It was a very different universe up there. Most of them believe you should be allowed to do just about anything you want to on your own property as long as you don’t infringe on the rights of you neighbors. And I do mean anything (though that’s a story for another day)!

One of my curiosities is that this Council had not been reciting the Pledge of Allegiance until this past January. They saw no need for it? Doing a little more research it seems that they felt it was pushed on them by the Hampden Association of Land Owners.

Apparently the Pledge has been on the agenda forever, but the Council had decided they didn’t really need to do it, even though they never really came out publicly and stated it. Eventually landowners started putting pressure on the Council to start off the meeting with the 20 second pledge. At first, the Council refused but then bowed to pressure and started in January.

The two Council members sitting down said they refused to bow to pressure. What pressure? Pressure to do the right thing? Really?

I’m just too confused here. HAMPDEN, Maine has been around forever. Their Council has been around forever! Yet in all these years they never thought to respectfully pledge allegiance to the flag of these United States? Well, united except for apparently Maine!

Isn’t it ironic that the initial rebellion against England started in New England, where Maine was part of Massachusetts. The men and women from New England fought for our freedoms, died for our freedoms, and knew what the flag meant with the formation of this country! Now have a new rebellion in Maine against the flag of our own country?!

These two very selfish (and don’t give me the freedom of speech garbage) veterans themselves don’t see the dishonor they do to the many that have fallen in service to our country to give them the right to be “jackwagons”!

That city is protected by men and women who signed up and pledged allegiance to this country and the flag. That town is protected by American soldiers. Their rights are protected by the Constitution of these United States.

Where that flag flies is a sign that that “area” is protected by the American Government (at one time that really meant something).

These guys are upset because the American citizens who elected them to do a job, want them, and are pressuring them, to pledge allegiance to the flag and to the country that affords them the ability to run for and serve in office. This is a problem how?

I can “pre-write” the comments I will get on this. Yes, we have freedoms. Freedom to pledge or nor to pledge. Freedom to stand or not to stand. Freedom to run for office or not run. But, these freedoms came at a price. They have meaning behind them.

The founding fathers thought we would appreciate and treasure knowledge and family as much as they did and that would make for a different voter and a stronger county. A few of the founding fathers stated that an uniformed electorate would be a real problem for this country. Anyone who has watched a JayWalking episode with Jay Leno knows the trouble we are already in.

These two Council members think the Pledge of Allegiance is a weapon. You bet it is! The dictionary says a weapon is:
1. any instrument or device for use in attack or defense in combat, fighting, or war,
as a sword, rifle, or cannon.

2. anything used against an opponent, adversary, or victim

I especially like #2. When opponents come across Americans that have pledged allegiance to the flag and to the country for which it stands (the United States of America), yes, one nation, yes, under God (though we don’t give Him much time anymore), indivisible (until the current administration, but they are ultimately helping us to reunite), with liberty and justice for all. What a weapon against tyranny, oppression, and socialism!

Yes, it’s a weapon. It’s a threat to those who would do us harm! It lets everyone know that you will stand up for the rights of the rich and the poor, for moronic council people in Maine and patriots in Pittsburgh. It’s a pledge that you will defend this country and its principles to the end.

We are seeing more and more of this kind of tomfoolery. Eugene, Oregon stopped saying the Pledge stating it was “too divisive”! Another town in Colorado stopped because it took too much time! Are we serious?

The founding fathers sacrificed years of their lives and lost much (lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.) Yet, the people we’ve elected can’t take 20 seconds at the beginning of a public meeting to pledge allegiance to the country they’re serving?

America, pay attention or you’re gonna lose it!

UPDATED – I wrote that it was Bangor, However thanks to a listener I was corrected, It was HAMPDEN. Check out the video at:

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Joe Messina

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