Did you know that 14% of Americans think they are registered to vote, but end up being ineligible to vote on election day because of a forgotten change of address or even a computer glitch that inadvertently dropped their name from the rolls?
At this crucial time in American History, it is important for Christians to exercise their right — and duty — to vote. But of course the first step is to make sure that you (and your friends, neighbors, and associates) are registered to vote, and for most states, the deadline for voter registration is fast approaching.
Use the tools below to make sure you truly are registered to vote — and you can also use these tools to check on every one of your extended family members and friends and make sure that they are registered as well. If they aren’t — well, you know what to do!
- Christian Voter Guide (Find Voter Guides and Resources for your state.)
- Champion the Vote (Free Tools and Resources to Promote Voter Registration)
- Voter Look Up Tool (Find out if you are registered to vote!)
- WallBuilders Election Resources (What did the Founders say about voting?)
We can make a big difference in this election by voting, but that starts with making sure that we will be able to vote; so spread the word and help your friends and family register to vote. And for those who might be reluctant to participate in November, these videos are a great way to help others understand the importance of voting in this upcoming election:
In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate—look to his character. . . .When a citizen gives his suffrage [his vote] to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust [civic responsibility]; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor; he betrays the interest of his country. ~ Noah Webster
Editors Note: This article is reprinted courtesy WallBuilders.com
Photo credit Erin Leigh McConnell