Middle School Girls Had An Idea That Could Help Alzheimer’s Patients

Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually even the ability to carry out the simplest tasks.

After 12-year-old Annie Gainer learned her grandfather had developed Alzheimer’s, it took less than a year for his memory to start to fade and soon he did not remember most of his family.

“We made him a scrapbook. He has 36 grandkids but he can only remember his children’s names,” Annie told The Huffington Post. “He can’t associate that me and my brothers are my mother’s kids.”

This is what gave Annie and six of her classmates at St. Catherine of Alexandria in Chicago, the idea for a facial recognition concept smartphone app for the annual Verizon Innovative App Challenge.

The idea is to be able to snap a picture and the persons information with pop up on the screen so they could see who was there to visit them.

Although the app was not chosen for the national prize, the idea “Remember Me” won “Best In State” and “Best In Region.” This group of bright ambitions young ladies also walked away from the completion with a $5,000 cash prize for their school.

Annie and her six classmates are excited about their win, however they say that they just want to help people with Alzheimer’s.

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These Middle School Girls Had An Idea That Could Help Alzheimer’s Patients Remember..

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Josue Goge

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