Guest Post … Don Boys, Ph.D.
Great news today as National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) leaders in 34,000 churches broke fellowship with the Presbyterian Church (USA) following the denomination’s approval of same sex “marriage.” The black clergymen declared that “This arbitrary change of Holy Scripture is a flagrantly pretentious and illegitimate maneuver by a body that has no authority whatsoever to alter holy text.” Bingo! Right on target! I proudly, passionately, and purposefully stand with these brothers on this issue.
Rev. Anthony Evans noted that his group that represents almost six million Blacks is “simply standing on the Word of God within the mind of Christ. We urge our brother and sisters of the PCUSA to repent and be restored to fellowship.”
Pastor Evans added that the PCUSA’s decisions was a universal sin against the entire church and can no longer call itself a Christian entity in the body of Christ. He added, “No church has the right to change the Word of God. By voting to redefine marriage PCUSA automatically forfeits Christ’s saving grace. There is always redemption in the body of Christ through confession of faith and adhering to Holy Scripture.”
“In this case, PCUSA deliberately voted to change the Word of God and the interpretation of holy marriage between one man and one woman. This is why we must break fellowship with them and urge the entire Christendom to do so as well.”
Wow! A large group of black pastors representing 34,000 churches has taken a courageous stand that should be emulated by numerous other church leaders–most of them white.
It is noteworthy that the Black spokesman not only disagreed with the PCUSA but called upon them to “repent and be restored to fellowship.” It is one thing to disagree with and disengage from a group but to demand repentance is astounding. Isn’t that a little “uppity” of those black leaders? How dare they condemn, challenge, and chastise their “betters!”
The rest of the story at 3 Cheers