Parents revolt, BLOCKING school district from allowing guest speaker, Jazz Jennings, to push transgender ideology on 6 year-olds. Parents mobilized after being given only one day advance notice about the guest speaker reading her book to kids.
The Liberty Counsel was engaged and sent a letter bringing a halt to the presentation.
The letter cites a number of Supreme Court decisions determining the right of parents to decide the upbringing of their children, that children “are not mere creatures of the state.”
The letter also challenges a number of claims made by the school district, including the claim that gender is “arbitrarily assigned at birth,” that “a girl who likes short hair and likes a boy name is now a boy,” and that it is possible to have a “girl brain in a boy body.” The school district also told parents there are “a wide-range of genders,” a notion not supported by science or society.
Parents are a powerful force when it comes to schools. It’s just a matter of paying attention to what’s being taught and presented and speaking up when you don’t think it’s right for the kids. Be watchful…
Read the full story and see the Liberty Counsel letter at TruthRevolt.