First-timers, especially evangelicals, are expected to be a big part of Friday’s March for Life as President Trump made history as the first sitting president to join the anti-abortion rally.
The march has seen massive growth in evangelical attendance since it was first organized the year after the Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973, said Jeanne Mancini, the president of the March for Life, which began largely as a Catholic event.
“Increasing evangelical participation at the March for Life is, and has been, an organizational goal and broader win for the movement,” Mancini said.
“Inviting wonderful Evangelical leaders like … Pastor David Platt from McLean Bible Church, Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family, to participate is one small way we do this. We want to do everything possible to welcome pro-life people of all faiths to the March for Life.”
Evangelist Franklin Graham shared on Facebook Wednesday morning: “I’m going to do something on Friday that I’ve never done before — I’m going to march,” the son of Billy Graham wrote. “I’m going to DC to walk in the March for Life.”
“I’m going to do something on Friday that I’ve never done before—I’m going to march. I’m going to DC to walk in the March for Life. It starts at the National Mall and completes at the Supreme Court, about 2 miles. I’m going to blend into the crowd and march with my daughter Cissie Graham Lynch. This is a huge, important issue. Why don’t you come join me? I would encourage anyone and everyone who cares about abortion to come, to walk, and to pray. Let’s let the courts, Congress, the media, and the world know what we believe and how important the lives of these children are. Every life matters to God and should matter to us. The link below gives more details—see you there!”
The event is trending younger and younger every year!
Read the rest at: Pray for Life!