Middle East fighting Trump’s fault?

The Washington Post spent the entire week knocking the Abraham Accords that were struck under former President Trump as tensions continue to rise between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas.

In the final months of 2020, the Trump administration brokered a historic peace agreement between Israel and several Arab nations that paved the way for normalized relations. The nations that struck deals with the Jewish State include the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan.

While the Abraham Accords had been regarded as one of Trump’s greatest foreign policy achievements, the Washington Post appeared gitty in trashing the peace deal as violence erupted between Israel and Gaza.

On Tuesday, columnist Ishaan Tharoor wrote a piece titled, “The Abraham Accords have already become a Middle East afterthought.”

Last September, President Donald Trump was exultant… Now, with Trump gone and Netanyahu only barely clinging to power, regional politics may already be pivoting away from the Abraham Accords,” Tharoor said. “For all the happy optics of Emiratis vacationing in Tel Aviv and Israelis partying in Dubai, no new countries have joined on since the initial flurry under Trump. While the Biden administration welcomed healthier relations between Israel and the Arab world, it’s unclear how much it intends to build on Trump’s major foreign policy initiative.”

After highlighting UAE and Bahrain expressing solidarity with the Palestinians, Tharoor quoted Vali Nasr of the international studies school at Johns Hopkins University, who said “Israel’s entire strategy with Abraham Accords was based on the argument that the Palestinian issue was no longer relevant. Now thanks to a series of Israeli mistakes it is back in force.”

Post columnist Max Boot went even further with his column on Wednesday, “So much for the Abraham Accords. Trump made things worse in the Middle East.”

“On Sept. 15, 2020, President Donald Trump trumpeted his proudest — and virtually sole — foreign policy achievement: the signing of the Abraham Accords opening formal ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain,” Boot began. “Fast forward eight months, and that boast appears even more risible now than it did at the time. The clashes in recent days between Israelis and Palestinians make clear that there is no “peace” and no “new Middle East.” It remains the same blood-soaked mess as ever. The Abraham Accords were nice, but they did nothing to resolve underlying conflicts in Yemen, Syria, Libya — or the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.”

Read the rest at: foxnews.com

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