Liberal Pollster Nate Silver: “Trump Likely to Win in November Despite Hype on Kamala Harris”

The liberal media has fully embraced Kamala Harris, aligning with the Democratic Party’s push to create the illusion of overwhelming enthusiasm for her 2024 candidacy.

This concerted effort to promote Harris stands in stark contrast to the skepticism expressed by liberal pollster Nate Silver, who contends that Trump is still the frontrunner for the upcoming election.

This divergence in viewpoints is a noteworthy departure from the prevailing narrative across most media platforms.

The extensive coverage and promotion of Harris by liberal media outlets reflect a deliberate strategy by Democrats to generate widespread excitement for her presidential bid.

However, this portrayal does not resonate with Nate Silver’s assessment, which underscores Trump’s enduring appeal and electoral advantage.

Consequently, there exists a notable discrepancy between the portrayal of Harris’s candidacy in liberal media and the more cautious evaluation put forth by Silver.

Despite the prevailing narrative championing Harris’s prospects, Silver’s dissenting perspective challenges the widespread assumption of her unstoppable momentum.

The New York Post reported:

Trump remains the favorite in 2024 presidential race despite Harris’ rise: Nate Silver

Even after Democrats dramatically moved to re-top their presidential ticket and got an apparent jolt of momentum, famed election analyst and statistical guru Nate Silver still deems former President Donald Trump the favorite.

His election forecast model gives Trump a 61.3% chance of prevailing in the Electoral College, while Vice President Kamala Harris is at 38.1%.

Silver previously pegged Trump with a 65.7% chance of victory over President Biden during his model rollout last month.

In his most recent assessment, Silver included a slew of polling averages that gave Trump slight advantages nationally and in most of the battleground states, albeit not in Wisconsin, where Harris was ahead…

FiveThirtyEight had been one of the rare election forecasts that projected Biden was more likely to emerge victorious in the 2024 presidential election.

Silver is just calling this as he sees it, based on data.

We’ll soon know if he is right.

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Joe Messina

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