Middle East fighting Trump’s fault?

The Washington Post spent the entire week knocking the Abraham Accords that were struck under former President Trump as tensions continue to rise between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas. 

WH says what Israel is doing wont bring peace

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that plans to evict dozens of Palestinians from an east Jerusalem neighborhood work “against” U.S.-Israeli interests in finding a solution to the conflict and condemned “extremism that has inflicted violence on both communities.” 

Shades of 70’s gas lines again?

Fuel shortages have widened across the East Coast as consumers continue to panic buy amid the fallout from a cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline last week by Russian ransomware group DarkSide.

Teachers Union president is good with CRT – WOW!

“The Story” host Martha MacCallum tangled with American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten Monday over her support of The New York Times’ controversial “1619 Project” and critical race theory being taught in classrooms across the country.